NSPO's "Truly Radiation-Hardened Fiber Light Sources" won the R&D 100 Awards.
Groundbreaking ceremony for NCREE's Southern Laboratory.
Groundbreaking ceremony for NLAC's Building G in National Biotechnology Research Park.
NARLabs signed MOU with Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology.
NARLabs signed MOU with National Research Council of Science & Technology of Korea.
TTFRI announced the Radar Data Assimilation System which enhances 6-Hour rainfall forecasting accuracy.
TORI completed the Taiwan Ocean Radar Observing System (TOROS) for surface current mapping.
STPI signed MOU with University of California, Berkeley to cooperate on training program of STB Project.
NDL announced "Self-Powered Technology for Internet of Things Chips" as key technologies and innovative applications of next generation nano devices.
CIC announced the world's f irst "Multisensing Single-chip Technology".
NCHC unveiled the Center of Excellence on Cyber-enablement Applications.