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National Applied Research Laboratories The Entire Organization Is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certified

In order to impROVe its management efficiency, National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL) initiated the “Quality and Information Security Management System Adoption Campaign” in 2007, as per instructions of National Science Council and its Board, to adopt ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards and methodology. Through the standardization of its quality and information security management system, NARL hopes to establish a world-class management mechanism to “strengthen operation efficiency, reduce operation cost, and synchronize operation quality.”To meet the schedule and quality goals, NARL formed an ad hoc inter-laboratory team, led by President Jer-Nan Juang, to coordinate the activities. After one year of thorough planning, evaluation, adoption, implementation, and enhancement, coupled with the dedication and hard work of all colleagues, NARL Headquarters and all constituent laboratories successfully completed the adoption of ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO27001 Information Security Management System in September 2008. They were also certified to both ISO standards by SGS Taiwan Ltd., who will officially award them the ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 27001:2005 compliance certificates on October 27, 2008. This campaign, though very painstaking, is a precious leaing experience for all NARL colleagues. In the adoption process, everyone was led to recognize and appreciate the importance of quality management, information security, operation procedures, and system standardization. To NARL, this is not only an excellent reward, but also a milestone toward impROVing management efficiency. After the certification, quality and information security management will be fully integrated with the NARL culture. This should allow NARL to develop the best standard operation procedures, to enhance its capacities, and to subsequently promote overall management efficiency. Through this international management certification mechanism, NARL will also be able to impROVe its operation performance, raise its customer satisfaction, promote its international competitiveness, conform to its management refinement strategy, and, most importantly, achieve its goal of developing itself into a world-class national laboratory.